Persuaion X ~ personal growth for beginners | How to make money

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Persuaion X

This was suppose to be a private event:

For the last 7+ years, Armand Morin hasdeveloped a bit of a reputation...
He has become famous for being able to sell aTON of products at seminars (and when you cando that, promoters want you on their stage).

Armand is asked to speak at various seminarsall around the world virtually every week.
Over the last 2 years he has generated $12 milliondollars just from speaking at seminars.

Here's something you probably didn't know...

Two years ago Armand dramatically cut back hisspeaking engagements to spend more time withhis family and his new born baby.

That's when something interesting happened...

Although he cut back his speaking gigs, hissales soared.

Because he began analyzing his presentationsand eventually figured out exactly what makespeople buy.

Each time he spoke, the more he "dialed in"the perfect sales presentation.
Here is the amazing part of this story...

Armand was able to generate the $12 milliondollars from 1/4 of the speaking engagements!
In fact, in just one 90 presentation last yearArmand sold $995,000!
That's an average of $11,055 per minute!

Not bad for 90 minutes of "work" - wouldn'tyou agree?
So how did he do it?

That's what so many people have asked andlittle by little, Armand has been quietlyadvising a few of his Platinum members aboutthe subtle persuasion techniques he uses inhis presentations.
Guess what happened?

Their sales began to climb as well!
Before he knew it, people were pulling himaside and quietly asking him to show themthese powerful selling strategies.

So finally, after a lot of thought, hedecided to hold a small private gathering forhigh level marketers where he would shareexactly what he knows about selling fromstage.
However, here's what you need to know...

Armand Is Only Doing This Event One Time This Year!

What began as a "private seminar" has nowturned into a stampede as people are doingeverything they can to attend this event.
The reason is simple...

Armand has said that he will only do thisevent one time in 2009.
This is where the chaos began...

One person told another and beforehe knew it, the word had spread betweenvarious people and there were all kinds of people registering for this event even thoughit wasn't available anywhere online.

People were contacting his support desk andpleading his staff to let them attend.
Although he was reluctant at first (becauseit was meant to be a small gathering) hedecided to let his guard down.

So it's official... the Persuasion X seminaris now available for the general public:


Please Be Warned...
* This is not just "any seminar".
It is a VERY pricey event for high levelmarketers. Armand doesn't want just "anyone"getting a hold of these techniques.

* This event is NOT for everyone.

If you have no intention of speaking fromstage, then it's definitely not for you.
If you don't plan on hosting a teleseminar inthe next year, this isn't for you.
If you aren't someone who plans on sellingany kind of product or service in the nextyear, don't click the link below.

However if you want to learn the powerfultechniques to help you win over any audienceand dramatically improve your sales, thenclick the link above.
I know you'll enjoy it.

Click on the link below right nowbecause the seminar offer expires soon.

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