The Law of Attraction ~ personal growth for beginners | How to make money

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Law of Attraction

Your only exposure to the law of attraction might be through the secret, which took the world by storm a few years ago, or you may have done some other personal growh training which has covered the laws of attraction.

I believe the law of attraction is out there, as how can it effect so many different people, can there be that many coincidences happening?

If you concentrate on something, and believe it to be true, it will come into your life. Theres no such thing as a coincidence, it is something that you wanted, therefore you have attracted it into your life, therefore you have received it.

I've been visualising for some time now, there are vision boards around my house, pictures on my fridge, and I have my always handy scrapbook filled with my dreams and desires. It does work, I sent my thoughts out into the universe and I have received what I put out there.

With making money its the same, you have to send it out there, you have to concentrate on what you want, believe that its true, believe that youre going to receive it.

Recently I found The 11 forgotten laws by Bob Proctor, one of the lecturers from The Secret. It carries on from where the secret left off, but takes it that little bit further.

It explains how the law of attraction works, and you just have to take a look at it to believe it for yourself. If you want to have a look at the 11 forgotten laws Click Here!

This may help to explain the law of attraction a little easier, and may help you on your path to making the abundance of money that you want!

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