Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Law of Attraction

Your only exposure to the law of attraction might be through the secret, which took the world by storm a few years ago, or you may have done some other personal growh training which has covered the laws of attraction.

I believe the law of attraction is out there, as how can it effect so many different people, can there be that many coincidences happening?

If you concentrate on something, and believe it to be true, it will come into your life. Theres no such thing as a coincidence, it is something that you wanted, therefore you have attracted it into your life, therefore you have received it.

I've been visualising for some time now, there are vision boards around my house, pictures on my fridge, and I have my always handy scrapbook filled with my dreams and desires. It does work, I sent my thoughts out into the universe and I have received what I put out there.

With making money its the same, you have to send it out there, you have to concentrate on what you want, believe that its true, believe that youre going to receive it.

Recently I found The 11 forgotten laws by Bob Proctor, one of the lecturers from The Secret. It carries on from where the secret left off, but takes it that little bit further.

It explains how the law of attraction works, and you just have to take a look at it to believe it for yourself. If you want to have a look at the 11 forgotten laws Click Here!

This may help to explain the law of attraction a little easier, and may help you on your path to making the abundance of money that you want!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Science of Getting Rich

The Science of Getting Rich

Today Im going to give you the opportunity to download a free copy of The Science of Getting Rich, a life changing book written in 1910 by Wallace Wattles.

You may think how does a book that was written in 1910 be relevant to personal growth in 2009. My answer to that is simply read it and find out.

In my opinion the majority of all personal growth teachings has come from this little book published all those years ago.

The Science of Getting Rich is not only about how to make money, but also how to be rich in life, by following a certain way.

There is a lot to be learnt from this book, it may change your life if you follow the certain way outlined in this book.

I have an audio version I listen to every week, as well as this ebook, which I continue to read religiously.

I do believe that there is a certain way to being rich, and this book will show you how it is done!

So click here to get your free copy of this life changing book today you wont regret it!.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Meditation and Money

Meditation and Money

If you havent tried meditation, then I recommend that you learn how to meditate. It's something that has been around forever, and most people that have succeeded in life use meditation daily.

There are countless mediation techniques out there, and hundreds of trainers, books, dvds etc available to show you how to start.

There are also audios available to help with the meditation process. Some have subliminal messages to help your mind achieve greatness, others have music and nature sounds, providing a soothing relaxing sound in your ears.

Before you purchase any products like this, make sure you get some demos to see if this is what you want, as the traditional way may be what you prefer.

One example of audio meditation is Deep Zen Meditation, Click Here! to get your free demo.

Its all personal choice, and what feels comfortable. just remember dont just believe one technique is the one for you, try as many as you can, and also try the audio options as well.

Monday, February 9, 2009

What is the purpose of Personal Growth?

What is the purpose of Personal Growth?

I still get asked the question, what is the purpose of personal growth? I usually answer that question with another question, what is the purpose of your life?

The answer should be the same, to grow yourself to your full potential.

Personal growth is that, to grow yourself. That is the purpose of anything that is living, to grow. Animals, plants, humans. They all grow!

Why would you not want to be living to your full potential? Why go through life living in the shadow of what you really could achieve.

Why include how to make money with personal growth then? Well for most people money is what makes them happy, but thats not all there is in this world.

When you feel happy about yourself, and you know where youre going, you know where youve been, and you have everything you desire, then you know what life is about.

Money for most people is what they need to achieve some success in their lives but it is not the answer for everything. You can be happy without money, you can also be miserable without money, life can be confusing sometimes.

What does the happy man without money actually have, that the rich miserable guy hasnt?
Is it that hes more in touch with his personal growth? Maybe? Maybe not.

Some people want more, some less.
But in a world where money is the key ingredient, most people want to take the money option.

So if we want to make money, then its best to get in touch with ourself, and personal growth can do this.

From the next post I am going to try and explain a few techniques that may be able to focus your mind onto what you want.

Every person is different, but every person should be able to reach the same goals. We are all the same inside, we are made up of the same substances.

Remember it is your choices that make you who you are. Dont just react, think! Make sure this is the way you want to go!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to make money online with PTC

How to make money online with PTC

Recently Ive been experimenting with some PTC (paid to click) sites.
I havent made much money from them as yet, but was just doing some searching on google and came across some interesting articles.

Learn How to Make Money Online has some beginners guides for PTC money making.

Im not going to go into any detail on this site, as this is about personal growth, not get rich schemes, but have a look if you are interested in it.

Will post my next steps for how to make money with personal growth very soon. There are a lot of great interesting things that Im planning on writing about.

If you are interested in personal growth, and developing yourself into a money making magnet, then keep an eye out on my post in a couple of days.

If you wish to achieve, then you have to believe in yourself.

Personal growth for beginners How to make money.
Custom Search
Feel free to email me with any questions that you may have.