Do you deserve to learn how to make money? ~ personal growth for beginners | How to make money

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Do you deserve to learn how to make money?

Do you think you deserve to learn how to make money?

No matter how poor you think you are, there is someone poorer. No matter how rich you think you are, there is someone richer.

You are unique, don't judge yourself by what anyone else has done, as it's your right to live your life how you wish to do so. It's not a competition!

Do you deserve to learn how to make money? Only you can answer that by using your personal growth skills you are learning to create the life you've always wanted.

The purpose of all life should be to grow, and everything that lives does grow. Animal, plants or humans. They are all growing substances.

To be successful, is being what you want to be, and anyone can be anything that they want. What you want to be in this world, is not the same as what I want to be. We are all different in what we want in life, but we are made up of the same substance, we just use it differently.

If you want money, then you can learn how to make money, just believe to achieve! It's not abnormal to want money, most people want it, even if it's to give to other people that they feel deserve it more than they do, there is still a desire, a want for it, even if it's not for themselves.

There is a way to learn how to make money, and the people who have done it so far, aren't that from a select part of society, or who have parents that are from a certain background, or have a great education.

Of course people who have studied hard and have got high powered jobs in the field of their choice have learnt how to make money, but so have people who have dropped out of school early, have learnt how to make money as well.

Is there a secret of learning how to make money? Possibly. Maybe everyone who has learnt how to make money has done so in certain steps, that some of them have chosen on purpose, and some of them might not even know what they have done. It could all have been done on instinct.

Do you chose to learn how to make money?
There is enough money out there for all of us, let's learn how to make money together, and see if we can discover the secret of everyone that has learnt how to make money.

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