Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Personal growth | How to make money - affirmations

Personal Growth for beginners How to make money.


In my last post on personal growth how to make money, I said that there were certain steps in learning how to make money, and we were going to work out the steps in the money making process.

I'm currently working on the next post in the steps for that, but wanted to just reply to a few queries I've had about affirmations and what do I think could be helfpul in learning how to make money!

Firstly, thanks for the emails, it's good to know there are people enjoying my posts on personal growth how to make money.

With affirmations have a positive phrase, and really believe what you're telling yourself.
One of my favourite things to tell myself is one that has been around for years :

Every day in every way my life gets better and better or
Every day in perfect ways my life gets better and better
You can use that as the base for yours, make sure you keep the in every way or perfect ways words though, as you don't want to get what you want by no other way than a perfect way!
For a how to make money one I would use something like :
Every day in perfect ways, money comes to me in abundance.
Say it ten times when you wake up, and ten times before you go to sleep, so you can put these thoughts into your head that you are a money making magnet!
If you continue this with a vision board (will go into this in more detail in a future post) or a scrap book of all the things that you want then I feel this is a great technique in learning how to make money.
You can use the following on your vision board or scrapbook, and make sure you read them regulary filling your mind with what you desire.
Money flows efforlessly to me. I attract money like a magnet.
I receive unexpected gifts. I have more then enough money for everything I want.
I have everything I need. I am happy and content.
I have my dream house. I have my dream car.
Theres some to start with. You can make it more specific for whatever you want. If you want to make money from work, make it more work orientated, using words like promotion, or business opportunities.
I have the job of my dreams.
Im rich and successful in my chosen profession!
Cut out pictures from magazines, or print them off the net of the things you desire, and put them on your board, or in your book. Also include photos of yourself on it, as you are the key here.
Get fancy with photoshop and put yourself at the location of your dream holiday, or driving your dream car! Make sure you are not in the drivers seat though as you don't want to be the passenger of someone else new car!
Put the board up somewhere that you see it all the time, or read through your book a few times a day and soon you will be learning how to make money in your ideal way!
Hope this is useful!
I will continue with the steps of how to make money on my next post on personal growth how to make money. You have to believe if you want to achieve and learn how to make money.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Do you deserve to learn how to make money?

Do you think you deserve to learn how to make money?

No matter how poor you think you are, there is someone poorer. No matter how rich you think you are, there is someone richer.

You are unique, don't judge yourself by what anyone else has done, as it's your right to live your life how you wish to do so. It's not a competition!

Do you deserve to learn how to make money? Only you can answer that by using your personal growth skills you are learning to create the life you've always wanted.

The purpose of all life should be to grow, and everything that lives does grow. Animal, plants or humans. They are all growing substances.

To be successful, is being what you want to be, and anyone can be anything that they want. What you want to be in this world, is not the same as what I want to be. We are all different in what we want in life, but we are made up of the same substance, we just use it differently.

If you want money, then you can learn how to make money, just believe to achieve! It's not abnormal to want money, most people want it, even if it's to give to other people that they feel deserve it more than they do, there is still a desire, a want for it, even if it's not for themselves.

There is a way to learn how to make money, and the people who have done it so far, aren't that from a select part of society, or who have parents that are from a certain background, or have a great education.

Of course people who have studied hard and have got high powered jobs in the field of their choice have learnt how to make money, but so have people who have dropped out of school early, have learnt how to make money as well.

Is there a secret of learning how to make money? Possibly. Maybe everyone who has learnt how to make money has done so in certain steps, that some of them have chosen on purpose, and some of them might not even know what they have done. It could all have been done on instinct.

Do you chose to learn how to make money?
There is enough money out there for all of us, let's learn how to make money together, and see if we can discover the secret of everyone that has learnt how to make money.

How to make money :Money Plan Lesson four

How to make money

Money Plan Lesson four

Your own personal growth and support groups

Make sure you read the other lessons before reading this one :

Money plan lesson one
Money plan lesson two
Money plan lesson three

If you want to continue to learn how to make money with personal growth, your next step should be some sort of business plan.
A financial step by step of what will happen in your business and how you are going to spend and make money.

What do you thin you will need to make money?
I know opening your mind to personal growth and believing you do it should be one of them.

Seriously think hard of all the things that you may need, and write it down. Don't get to carried away with everything though, a little at a time is all you need to do.
Start small, and work your way up.

You want to make money, not lose every cent you have on an idea you're not 100 percent sure of.
Do trial marketing, see if anyone is willing to purchase what you have to offer. Spend as little money as possible especially if this is a brand new type of business for you.

When you do start to to make a little money don't get too carried away, don't go off of your plan with the excitement of making money. Analyze everything that you have been doing, and look for what is the success points so far, and continue on the same path.

Learning how to make money is an exciting business, and with your personal growth skills, you are learning to make the most out of it.

The next steps in learning how to make money is making the most out of the money you have coming in.

Once you start to make money, get some people together and delegate all the harder responsibilities down to them. You have put all the hard work into the business, so now it's time to let someone else run it for you.

So now look into other things where you can make money from.
Expand your business, go into different areas where you're interested in. When you learn how to make money it can be as hard or as easy as you want it to be.

I hope this has helped set out some sort of plan to make money, and I hope you have started learning how to make money with personal growth.
Don't think that this is it, read the weekly posts to find out how you learn to make money with personal growth.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

How to make money :Money Plan Lesson three

How to make money

Money Plan Lesson three

Your own personal growth and support groups

Make sure you read the other lessons before reading this one :

Money plan lesson one
Money plan lesson two

The more you get involved with your own personal growth, the more you will understand how your mind works, learning why other people react and do the things that they do, and to just get a more positive attitude towards life.

If you want to grow as a person, then you need to learn as much as you can in the personal growth field. Read books, attend seminars, listen to CD's in your car. There are so many different people in this field with so many different techniques and opinions that it's best to find out which one is best for you. The more you learn about personal growth, the more you want to learn about yourself.

Who knows, after reading a few different books, or attending seminars, you may choose the personal growth field as your option in how you make money.
You might want to write your own book, or do your own seminars. You might not like the advice that others are saying to you, and want people to learn what you have learnt.

Attending seminars is a good way to meet like minded people as well, and who knows you may find business partners, or people with the same interests that are also learning how to make money in their chosen field.

It's good to have some type of support group with people on the same type of paths. If you don't get the change to go out much, then try something online. I'm sure there would be a group that would cater for any interests that you may have waiting for you to join, and bounce money making ideas around. Make it a goal to join one of these types of groups, or attend seminars, conferences, or just listen to a different CD each day.

There is so much to learn, it is your choice what you want to learn.
A wealthy person has the same amount of hours in their day as a poor person. You are the one who decides how you want to spend your time. Use it wisely.

How to make money :Money Plan Lesson two

How to Make Money
Money Plan Lesson two

Setting your goals.

As with all my posts I recommend that you read the lessons in order, so if you haven't done so yet, have a look at lesson one then come back and read this one. If you want to learn how to make money, it's important that you do them in order.

Do you think it's easy to set goals? Well setting goals is pretty easy, reaching your goals that takes some time, and a lot of commitment and hard work.

Get out a piece of paper or a notepad and write these questions down, and read back your answers, be specific, write down what you really want.

Why do you want this money?

What are you planning on doing with it?

How much do you actually want? (put a figure on it, hundreds thousands, millions)

Do you want $10,000 per month? $1,000,000 in the next year or two?

What type of lifestyle do you want to create with this money?

Be specific with your answers, but also be realistic!

Don't expect to have a million dollars overnight, it's not going to happen.

Once you work out your lifestyle that you want to create, and how much money you need to achieve this, the next step is how you're going to create the money in your life.

What are some things that you really are good at? A hobby that you love perhaps?

You might love music, but aren't able to sing or play a note, but still want to be involved in the music field. You do not need to be the center of attention, there are thousands of jobs to do with music, that uses all sorts of skills that you probably have already.

After you work out what you want, make some smaller goals first to reach your ultimate goals. Once again be specific, write down when you want to reach these by, and what is required to get there. Do you need more skills? There are lots of courses available if you wish to increase your education in a certain area.

Research your area of interests, find out what other people have done to get where you want to be, maybe talk to them. find a role model, a mentor. Lots of people will help you out in chosen areas, all you need to do is ask them.

If you are going to totally change your career, make sure you get support from your family, especially anyone you live with, as you don't want any negative attitudes from your husband or wife to cloud your mind, while trying to reach your goals.

If you really want to learn how to make money, you need to know what you want, and why you want it. Make sure you are doing something you enjoy, as you don't want to be doing something that's frustrating and annoying for you.

Write down your goals, and lets continue our path in learning how to make money with personal growth in Lesson three.
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Feel free to email me with any questions that you may have.