How to make money :Money Plan Lesson one. ~ personal growth for beginners | How to make money

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How to make money :Money Plan Lesson one.

How to make money.
Money Plan Lesson one :

Where are you now? Where have you been?

With all the money plans, do them in order, as you won't be able to learn how to make money unless you do it stop by step.

So you want to learn how to make money? You wouldn't be interested in reading something like this if you were not!

Firstly you must understand that you have created your life. Every decision that has happened so far, good or bad has come from your mind. You have to believe this is true to continue.

Dont blame anyone else in your life except for you! If you have let other people make choices for you, then it was your decision to let them!

We wont delve to deep into conditioning from parents and teachers etc as this is about how to make money. We will leave that for another personal growth for beginners blog.

What are your beliefs about money? Write them down on a piece of paper.
Do you think you deserve to be rich?
If you see a wealthy person, what impression do you have of them?
Do you feel negatively towards wealthy people? (the thoughts of filthy rich etc)
Do you enjoy what you do to make money now?
Are you always looking for new work?
Do you ever lose sleep worrying that you haven't got enough money?
Do you get angry that everyone else is better off than you?
Is there are pattern forming here? Are you now understanding your beliefs about money now?

Do you think you can learn how to make money believing like you have been?
Do you want to change the way you think now? I mean right now, not tomorrow, but now? If the answer is yes, then that is the first step in how to make money.

Now, what would you do with a million dollars? Would that make you happy?
Do you think that would change your situation in a years time?
Would it surprise you if I said you would be in the same situation in a years time, maybe more, maybe less time, if I gave you a million dollars today?
Why? Because money does not change what you believe in, or how you make decisions only you can! So change the way you think today!

Join me next time for Money Plan lesson two : What is your goal?

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